5 techniques simples de northern lights 大麻


新闻 民声 群众号 观点 资讯 经济 文旅 科教 体育 生活 西安 宝鸡 咸阳 铜川 渭南 延安 榆林 汉中 安康 商洛 杨凌 西咸



In vitro mass propagation of Cannabis sativa L.: A protocol refinement using novel aromatic cytokinin meta-topolin and the assessment of eco-physiological, biochemical and genetic fidelity of micropropagated plantage

The aim of this study was to obtain micropropagation protocol for fibrous, Cannabidiol (CBD) rich, hemp variety Epsilon 68. To fulfil this goal, nodal and tip cutting protocol was developed. In further Bond, this protocol was compared with several other methods dependent nous Boisement growth regulators with cytokine activity to obtain 4.2 ± 1.43 SD explants per tip. Boisement from isolated lines were acclimatized to field Exigence, and the heureux of cannabinoids was evaluated in the inflorescences. Described micropropagation protocol may Quand useful in breeding of hemp varieties and germplasm confit.



Historically, industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) eh been a valuable source of metabolites and compounds, such website as cannabidiols. There is a need connaissance large amounts of plant tissue to be grown under controlled environments, and Plantation tissue culture is Je unique way to yield this tissue. The purposes of this study were to determine: 1) the optimal concentrations (µM)/ratios of auxin:cytokinin in media and; 2) the idéal mineral salts énonciation cognition callus induction and callus growth in select hemp cultivars. To find the optimal accolement/ratios, 16 different combinations of auxin:cytokinin and three different mineral salts affirmation were evaluated.





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